May 21, 2013 LIFESITE
TALLINN, Estonia, May 21, 2013 (
– An Estonian pro-family organization delivered over 38,000 signatures
opposing same-sex "marriage" to the country's parliament last week.
for the Estonian Foundation for Defense of Family and Tradition,
Slawomir Olejniczak, told LifeSiteNews that the petition campaign was
the largest and most successful collection of signatures ever carried
out in the country of 580,000 households against a proposed change of
said that despite a blackout of coverage about the petition by the
nation's government media, "the petitions were delivered to all
households and 6.5% of the population reacted in favor of natural
marriage in such a liberal country like Estonia."

National Broadcasting Union (ERR) completely boycotted covering our
petition - I mean totally, - but it has now published a small news
article in its English language based portal, which is meant to give
information to foreigners about Estonia," said Olejniczak.
The Estonian public broadcaster noted in itsarticle that
under Estonian law, "same-sex couples have no right to wed. The
situation is unlikely to change before the next parliamentary elections
in 2015 as the two coalition partners are at odds over gay rights."
ERR report cited a study conducted by Turu-uuringute AS last September
which found that 60 percent of Estonians are opposed to same-sex
should be working hard to restore the moral traditions that are the
foundations of our culture, and a culture centered on the family, which
is grounded on those traditions - otherwise, our culture and people will
decay,” Varro Vooglaid, who heads the Estonian Foundation for Defense
of Family and Tradition, told the Delfi news service last week after delivering the petitions.
is one of the many Soviet satellite states that found independence
after the collapse of communism. It is suffering from a “confused”
social and moral state, said the founder of the pro-life organization,
the Institute for the Culture of Life, in the capital Tallinn.
is a micro-experiment in Europe’s extreme secularization, and is
reaping the demographic consequences," said Maria Madise, pointing out
that Estonia’s economic prosperity has had the adverse effect of eating
away at the social fabric by rampant divorce, abortion and suicide.
Estonian general moral and social attitudes are reluctant to adopt –
but hopefully will eventually – is that the remedy for the past lies not
in hedonistic indulgences, that are inducing now another sort of deadly
culture, but in rediscovering the faith and re-establishing the
institution of the family. Only a return to its Christian roots will
save this heavily secularized country," said Madise.
short video of the presentation of the Estonian Foundation for Defense
of Family and Tradition pro-family petitions to the Chief of the
Parliament on May 14th may be seen here.