
2019年11月17日 星期日

愛滋年輕化 平均每天增加7位感染者

風向新聞 2017-12-02新聞來源:https://kairos.news/92270?fbclid=IwAR1GvzWEqxYuLj7WTbpCxCdtuhWMhqjZx-WLm17B7Z28KaVGOGpOMD1ffQo

昨(1)日是世界愛滋病日(World AIDS Day),疾管署最新資料顯示,截至106年10月31日止,全國1-10月累計本國籍新增愛滋感染者總數為2,164人,平均每天增加7位感染者,較去年同期(1,991人)比較成長8.7%,感染者中15至34歲高達72%。醫師指出,有別過去愛滋感染者年齡多為30到35歲,近年不到30歲的愛滋感染者,已達總數一半,顯示愛滋感染族群有年輕化趨勢。

Same-Sex Parenting: Child Abuse?


Single-parenting and divorce have always been understood as a breakdown of the married mom and dad ideal, but the demand to view same-sex parenting as “normal” imposes a silence on children about the wound caused by the loss of one parent or the other.
Emotional abuse can be as bad as physical abuse. Any young person who’s heard the words, “I wish you were never born,” understands that adults can inflict tremendous damage on their dependents without leaving the slightest bruise. One of the worst parts of abuse is society’s refusal to see the injustice. Emotional abuse is particularly difficult because it is invisible and therefore ripe for denial.

It is worse still to feel “abandoned” by a community that views the cruelty inside a child’s home and does nothing. When told by everyone in the vicinity that what’s happening is normal and no cause to be aggrieved (even worse, a reason to be grateful), the natural instinct of the child is to blame herself for revealing the effects of mistreatment, in addition to the primal trauma of the mistreatment itself. The situation is much worse if outsiders who intervene, such as doctors, school officials, cousins, or legal authorities, side with the guardians.

After having spent the last year involved in the debate about same-sex parenting, I can say the following with great confidence: both sides of the same-sex marriage debate are afraid of naming child abuse by same-sex couples. The issue is so raw and painful that even critics of same-sex parenting are scared to go there.

Pro-SSM people say gays have been unfairly stereotyped as child abusers, so any discussion of gay child abusers is adding to their oppression. Anti-SSM commentators generally don’t want the added fuss of showing up on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of homophobes. So a general pattern emerges: even when you critique same-sex parenting, you must never do so in terms that sound accusatory or equate homosexuality with child abuse.

Let’s be clear: I am not saying that same-sex parents are automatically guilty of any kind of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse to the children they raise. Nor am I saying that LGBT people are less likely to take good care of children.

What I mean is this: Even the most heroic mother in the world can’t father. So to intentionally deprive any child of her mother or father, except in cases like divorce for grave reasons or the death of a parent, is itself a form of abuse. (Though my mother raised me with the help of a lesbian partner, I do not feel I was abused, because I always knew that my mother didn’t intend for my father to divorce her.)

This holds true not only for same-sex parenting, but for any choice to parent a child in a less-than-ideal setting for a less-than-grave reason. It’s abuse, for example, for a single parent to adopt a child when many other equally good two-parent homes are available. It’s abuse for parents to divorce simply for reasons related to their own emotional happiness. It’s abuse for LGBT couples to create children through IVF and then deprive them of a mother or father.

Media Tip-Toeing Around Abuse

Two recent pieces in the Washington Post and the New York Times last month are noteworthy, because both broke the silence on the downsides of same-sex parenting but still carefully avoided the word “abuse.”

After months of presenting a whitewashed portrait of same-sex parenting, the Post finally ran a letter from Tommy Valentine of Alexandra, Virginia, warning the proponents of homosexual adoption that “A child is not a commodity to be coveted, like the car or house,” and “Even with an ‘open adoption’ arrangement with his birth mother, Kyler [the adoptee] is being deprived of the unique, irreplaceable impact of a life with a mother and father.”

Three days later the New York Times ran a self-reflective piece by Frank Litgvoet, a gay man who is raising two adopted children with his male partner, titled “The Misnomer of Motherless Parenting.” Litgvoet deserves tremendous praise for being willing to name the integral flaw in same-sex parenting, despite how promising it looks to gay adults:

Being a “motherless” child in an open adoption is not as simple as it looks, because there is a birth mother, who walks in and walks out of the lives of our children. And when she is not physically there, she is—as we know from many accounts of adult adoptees—still present in dreams, fantasies, longings and worries. . . .

When the mother walks into the lives of our kids it is mostly a wonderful experience. It is harder for them when she walks out, not only because of the sad goodbye of a beloved adult, but also because it triggers the difficult and painful question of why she walked out in the first place.

I was impressed with Litvgoet’s honesty. I do not want to criticize him too much when I am sure that some in the LGBT lobby are going to decry him for handing too much “ammunition” to the critics of same-sex parenting. It takes great courage to admit that there is a lack in his daughter’s world, which cannot be filled with political dogma or crusades against homophobia. Every child has a mother and father, and when that figure is missing, there is a narrative that is experienced as pain, loss, and at times shame.

To appreciate the heroism in Litvgoet’s breaking of silence, we must first step back and take stock of how much silence there is and how much harm it does.

Whereas single parenting and divorce have always been understood as a breakdown of the married mom and dad ideal, same-sex parenting is now being elevated as normal. Were changing views of same-sex parenting based on a natural, organic process of cultural adaptation, that would be fine, but instead views are being coercively changed through a same-sex marriage movement—most recently by Supreme Court judicial fiat.

“Normalization” demands a kind of silence from multiple parties in a child’s life. The child’s lost biological parent(s) must keep a distance or disappear to allow two gay adults to play the role of parent. Extended family must avoid asking intrusive questions and shouldn’t show any disapproval through facial expressions or gestures. Schools and community associations have to downplay their celebrations of fatherhood or motherhood (even canceling Father’s Day and Mother’s Day in favor of “Parenting Day”). The media have to engage in a massive propaganda campaign, complete with Disney productions featuring lesbian moms, to stifle any objections or worries. Nobody must challenge the gay parents’ claim that all is being done for love.

Does the silence of so many surrounding parties reverse the sense of loss? No. The child still feels the loss, but learns to remain silent about it because her loss has become a taboo, a site of repression, rather than a site for healing and reconstruction. The abuse comes full circle.

The fact that a gay father in the New York Times is willing to drop the façade and admit that there is something amiss is cause for hope. But Litvgoet’s piece in the Times backtracks by the end and encases his realization within the standard euphemisms that have made same-sex parenting advocates so frustrating over the years:

Gay parents, trained to deal with those forces, should be aware of the effect on their children. What these questions do touches on a vulnerability in the children’s identity, the identity of the motherless child. The outside world says time and again—not in a negative way, but matter-of-factly—you are not like us. We have to give our kids the chance to give voice to that vulnerability, and to acknowledge the sad and complicated feelings of being different. (And show the pride in that as well.)

On the one hand it is good to allow children the chance to “give voice” to such feelings of pain and loss, and I am proud of Litvgoet for not immediately blaming everything on prejudice. But he still cannot process his own responsibility for what is, in essence, child abuse. Like all the saccharine, smiling liberals who have driven me crazy since I was a two-year-old raised by a lesbian mom, he acknowledges the child’s pain just enough to occasion a later disappointment when he and his allies will likely refuse to rectify it. He concedes a few points about “feelings” while still asserting an unquestionable ownership: “our kids,” with a parenthetical about “pride in that.” Kids can read between the lines. They’ll know that what’s in the parenthesis is the part that the guardian is insisting on—in other words, you must be proud of what’s been done to you, even when it hurts.

Problems with Same-Sex Parenting Testimonials

In a recent heart-to-heart talk with Dawn Stefanowicz, a Canadian woman who was raised by her gay father, she and I lamented that many children of same-sex couples will never speak openly about how unfair it was to be denied a mother or father.

Dawn’s experience resembles mine: most kids of gay parents we know are struggling with sexual identity issues, recovering from emotional abuse, fighting drug addictions, or are so wounded by their childhood that they lack the stability to go public and face the onslaught from an increasingly totalitarian gay lobby, which refuses to admit that there’s anything wrong.

Mark Regnerus’s study, published a year ago, brought brief attention to adults who were coping with the aftereffects of vexed childhoods under gay parents. In the months following Regnerus’s study, Dawn and I barely had time to have a public conversation about our struggles, because the LGBT lobby immediately wanted to redirect attention to the debates that mattered to them: their “right” to marry, the fact that they were capable of “loving” children, and their sense that they were being “bullied” by Regnerus. For many kids of same-sex couples, this was a familiar experience: we only count when we make gay people look good.

Otherwise, we must shut up.

Same-sex parenting advocates have the advantage of handpicking their success stories, who are sure to receive fulsome accolades for expressing their joy at having gay parents. Those who interrogate same-sex parenting have a corresponding disadvantage. Same-sex parenting has been efficient at traumatizing the inhabitants of its dark side, rendering them frightened and mute, so nobody will ever know about it.

The existence of a venomous LGBT lobby capable of all-out emotional warfare against anybody who doubts same-sex parenting is of course a great help to the cause.

When I was in France, a pediatric psychiatrist with decades of experience told me that he has been working with a severely traumatized woman who was raised by two homosexuals. He wanted her to go public alongside me at the March 24 rally in Paris, but he dared not test her fortitude: “She is still too weak,” he told me. He could not, as her physician, permit her the risks of being a public figure.

Dawn and I are left with a dilemma: it seems we are the only two children of LGBT parents who are old enough to articulate what is wrong with same-sex parenting, independent enough to view our upbringing critically, and strong enough to deal with the LGBT lobby’s vitriol.

Cut the Charades

Like divorce and single parenting, same-sex parenting isn’t merely controversial or untested; we know that children have poorer life outcomes when they are raised outside a married biological-parent household. The data we have, thanks to the work of scholars like Regnerus, make it all the more clear that it’s abusive to force children to live without a mother or father simply to satisfy adult desires.

Moreover, anyone who supports same-sex parenting in spite of these data is complicit in child abuse. This is true, for example, of pediatricians, sociologists, and psychologists who justify same-sex parenting by pointing to vague metrics like “emotional well-being” or “willingness to communicate.”

That they hide their complicity behind their PhDs makes complicity even less excusable.

Doug Mainwaring and I have been working on ways to distinguish between gay parents and same-sex parenting. A gay parent in a male-female marriage or a single gay parent is better, in our view, than a same-sex couple raising a child, because the elements of abuse are missing in the first two scenarios.

In the first scenario, the child has a mom and a dad even if one of them is gay. In the second scenario, there is no charade of replacement, no pretenses that one or two unrelated homosexual parents are to receive the equivalent love and respect that a child would show to his mom and dad. The coercion involved in “same-sex parenting,” and the silencing of any recognition that a loss has occurred, is elemental in making same-sex parenting homes abusive.

Worst of all is a same-sex parenting home that arose because two homosexuals contrived the situation knowingly, in order to experience parenting. These are cases in which divorce was initiated by a gay spouse, with the explicit goal of setting up a new gay parenting household, and then custody was transferred (often in an ugly family court process). Or where lesbians went to a sperm bank. Or where two homosexuals began a lifelong relationship with the intent of adopting and then sought adoption on-demand. Or worst of all, two gay men engaged in a surrogacy contract with a woman who sold them her baby.

Many gay parenting advocates say these are more noble scenarios since they “wanted” the child, but they are wrong. They imposed their vision ruthlessly on a helpless being and then extorted gratitude. The false equivalency used in order to make the child “love” a second parent of the same sex is coerced and injurious.

In the household irreversibly alienated from constitutive rituals like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, it is abusive to tell the child it was all for her own good and she shouldn’t listen to her own feelings, nor her peers, neighbors, or any moral authorities on TV who praise motherhood or fatherhood.

It is abusive to tell a child, “We are your moms” or “we are your dads,” and then expect the child never to feel the loss of such important icons, in addition to the injury of having been severed from at least one, and possibly both, biological parents—not because it was necessary, but because the two adults insisted on the arrangement. The lessons children learn from this undermine selfhood: might makes right, little people are subject to the whims of self-serving parents, and powerful people can impose “love” on weaker beings with money or political influence over adoption agencies, family courts, sperm banks, and surrogate mothers.

None of these problems would arise if we lived in a world where gay people saw children not as a commodity for purchase but rather as an obligation requiring sacrifices (i.e., you give up your gay partner instead of making your kid give up a parent of the opposite sex, because you’re the adult.)

When the child begins to ask, “why don’t I have a mom?” or “why don’t I have a dad?” the abuse grows, for the gay “parents” will likely respond with an answer that protects them from criticism but disallows the child’s recognition of hurt feelings.

Consider what Rob Watson wrote in the Huffington Post in an open letter to Justice Anthony Kennedy:

If you come, you will meet my 10-year-old sons, who will likely impress you, given how personable, articulate, polite and bright they are. You might ask, as many people we meet do, if they are twins. The answer will be, “They are ‘almost-twins’: Their birthdays are four months apart.” That will bring a “huh, come again?” look, and I will explain how I adopted them as babies from different drug-addicted birth mothers through foster care.

If Watson’s standard routine in explaining his situation to strangers is to highlight the fact that his two ten-year-olds came from “drug-addicted birth mothers,” it is possible that he has been explaining it this way to his own sons for years. He wouldn’t be the first gay dad I’ve heard say to an adoptee, “you don’t have a mom because your moms were drug addicts and I was the only one who wanted you.” That’s emotional abuse at its worst.

Watson’s glib narrative is reflective of the larger genre of same-sex parenting manifestoes. For a movement like the LGBT lobby, which grew out of a desire for openness, the silences imposed on children of same-sex couples are criminally hypocritical. Kids have a clear, specific script to follow when outsiders ask where they come from—don’t mention the sperm bank, don’t mention the woman who sold you, don’t talk about the ugly divorce from five years ago, don’t …. Just don’t talk. Just shut up and smile. Say you like this. Otherwise, bad things will happen. You’ll go back to being an unloved being with nobody willing to put up with you any more.

After a year of being in this game, I have grown wary of strategy. I don’t have a silver bullet tactic for suddenly making low-information Americans aware that all the same-sex parenting propaganda—and more broadly our growing acceptance of non-traditional parenting—is really a cover for systematic abuse. My hunch, however, is that it might be time simply to drop all the masks, put away our strategies, and just state the uncensored truth.

If you think child abuse is wrong, then say so.


由同性戀雙親撫養長大是很艱難的。這不是說鄰居歧視我們,其實他們也搞不清楚我家房子裡發生了什麼。從外人角度看來,我是個非常有教養,高成就的孩子,並從高中以最佳成績straight A畢業。
即使我的自傳與同性戀相關議題有關,第一個與我聯絡並感謝我分享相關議題的卻是Mark Regnerus教授。我活了41年,但沒有任何同運人士願意聽我誠實的分享生命中同性戀千思萬縷般的複雜連結。從這個角度來說,Mark Regnerus值得敬重--尤其是同志團體更該敬重他,而非企圖要他閉嘴。
在Mark Regnerus教授的研究中,他找到248位成人曾經由同性戀雙親撫養,並讓他們有機會回顧自己的成長歷程。這些人所提供的報告對同運倡議的同性婚姻議題非常不利。可是,提供這個結論最重要支持的依據,卻是生命的「基本常識」:「與其他人以不同方式長大是艱難的,而這些艱難將使孩子們成長過程適應不良,甚或沈醉在酒精中,或其他危險的行為裡」。
就跟我一樣,這248位成人的故事值得被注意。同運人士正盡一切所能使這些故事不被人知道。而身為一位英語教授,我在意的不僅僅是有多少人,更是背後的故事。Mark Regnerus教授正不經意的讓這些口述故事、好像寶箱一般被打開、並公諸於世。
然而反對者卻認為,Mark Regnerus教授的研究在定義「女同母親」與「男同父親」上有問題:任何女人都可以被認定爲「女同母親」,如果她有了孩子之後,又與另一個女同志伴侶在一起生活---無論在一起的時間多短、是否共同撫養孩子。因此他們認為這樣的定義使這篇研究沒有意義。
反對Mark Regnerus教授的人士,完全無視雙性戀父母在情感與性別上為自己孩子們的努力。一面全力以赴照料孩子們,一面還要與再次走入同性戀的引誘搏鬥。在Mark Regnerus教授的研究中,完整記錄著這些證辭,證明這一切有多麼艱難。但對我而言,這一切不是威脅,而是鞭策,激勵我永遠優先考量我孩子們的最高利益,而非我的性慾。
另一個「先有雞還是先有蛋」的爭議是,反對者認為我是個保守派份子。許多人用四個簡單的字刻意忽略我的故事:”But you are conservative.”(但你是保守派人士)是的,我是。
所以,是的,我是保守派份子並支持Mark Regnerus教授的論述。至於是否Mark Regnerus教授的研究發現,使我變成保守派人士?這就留給反對者自己去猜嘍⋯
我謝謝Mark Regnerus教授。比起說他「胡扯」的批評,他的研究對我來說很重要。因為這份研究重新證實了同運人士全力想掩蓋,並想讓大眾忽略的事實。無論同性戀傾向是否天生,無論同性婚姻是否合法,成為「怪咖」是很艱辛的:它使你心神耗盡、更難交到朋友、在專業成長中橫遭攔阻......甚且有時會使你深陷酗酒、嗑藥、賭博、反社會行為、甚至不負責任的性濫交中而無法自拔。在同性戀家庭長大的孩子們,生命的道路倍感艱辛。我很清楚,因爲我也是其中之一。我們最不該做的,就是當他們遇上壓力或感覺自己很奇怪時,讓他們有罪惡感。至少,我們虧欠他們,些許誠實。
節譯自「Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View」---by Robert Oscar Lopez (本文經原作者同意翻譯。原文刊載於 Public Discourse: Ethics, Law and the Common Good.)http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2012/08/6065/#
Robert Oscar Lopez was raised by a lesbian coup. He is of Puerto Rican descent. Additionally, he is "the descendant of African slaves."
Lopez graduated from Yale University in 1993, where he received a bachelor of arts degree. He received a master's degree in classics from the University of Buffalo in 2007. He holds a PhD from New York State University, Buffalo.)
Emotional Problems among Children with Same-Sex Parents: Difference by Definition
(Sullins; BJESBS, 7(2): 99-120, 2015; Article no.BJESBS.2015.074 )

Fighting Back against LGBT Fascism: What You Can Do

Since the story broke about the Human Rights Campaign's slanderous persecution of the very people their group was designed to protect – bisexuals and children of same-sex couples – I have received a great deal of support from people. 
While it was nerve-wracking to have the truth about the 26 months of harassment by GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, Scott Rosenzweig, Jeremy Hooper, and a host of other totalitarians circulate at my job, it has been healthy.  My colleagues and students had no idea about the extent of this campaign of suppression, censorship, and harassment.  Now they know the truth behind those equals-sign bumper stickers.
Many of my friends also had no idea about the coordination between the lower levels of the gay lobby – the snipers who troll the dark alleys of the internet, like Scott Rosenzweig and Jeremy Hooper – and the corner offices of Washington citadels such as the Human Rights Campaign.  The systematic and organized campaign to destroy three families led by same-sex couples – the families of me, Rivka Edelman, and Janna Darnelle – has left no doubt as to fact that "respectable" organizations like the Human Rights Campaign rely on the "dirty work" by lower-rung character assassins to impose silence on the children and women harmed by same-sex parenting.
People are seeing now the breadth and enormity of this fascist movement that has stolen the voices of gay people and co-opted them to advance a neocolonial, misogynistic, anti-human corporate agenda.  Many of us have divergent views on the morality of homosexual acts, but I think right and left can come together against fascism.  Now is a time to do just that.
I have found that some people on the gay and lesbian left, like Cathy Brennan and Frank Ligtvoet, have been heroic in standing up to Gay, Inc.  On the flip-side, there is no shortage of right-wingers, many of them anxious to be the new vanguards of free-market libertarianism, who have silenced the children of same-sex couples just as badly as the mainstream gay left has, perhaps from a primal attraction to all those corporate dollars orbiting around the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD.
So if we are going to bust the LGBT racketeers, we have to set aside some of our political differences on other issues and focus on the values that make our democracy great: the freedom of citizens to be born without a price on their head, academic freedom, free speech, and the right of citizens to redress their grievances and speak their mind without living with the fear of state repression, mob violence, or blacklisting.
People are asking how they can help.  We know the LGBT corporate lobbyists are out to get us, but when do we stop complaining and start doing something about it?
I think we need to stay focused on the big culprits right now: GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign.  Other gay lobbying groups are a mix of well-intended and sometimes beneficial programs tainted by a few bad apples; we do not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I do not want to interfere with useful programs that help, for instance, people with AIDS.  A honed effort against the serpent's head is the best strategy.
One past article I published in American Thinker might serve as a good opening guide.  This piece spotlights the four tiers of totalitarian control and racketeering that have characterized the advance of this peculiar form of fascism:
1. The academy
2. The press
3. The two-party political system
4. The courts
Let's call this the "Four-Tier Plan." We need to be coordinated and strategic and well-timed. 
Tier 1: Right now the academy is a long-term, very involved project, which will take many years to reform.  The good news is that I have finally heard back from the Modern Language Association, and they are going to confer about how to respond to the Human Rights Campaign's "Export of Hate" report, which is a blatant initiative to intimidate the translators and international researchers who are supposed to be represented by the MLA.  This is crucial, because both Rivka Edelman and I are English professors, so the MLA must respond, or else the group is essentially not being responsible for the working conditions for translators and language arts professionals.  For right now, classify this as a holding pattern.  Unless they are in the academy, readers and allies who want to help cannot do much on this front, at least for now.  I will update if that changes.
Tier 2: The press.  The press is an ongoing thing.  The more buzz we create about GLAAD and the HRC's corruption and violation of basic human rights, the better the chances that finally large media companies like Time Warner Turner, News Corp., and Viacom will feel pressured to explain why they have allowed these corrupt and anti-democratic organizations to dictate propaganda to them.  For right now the most important thing on this front is to keep creating buzz.  Forward articles about Janna Darnelle's case, Rivka Edelman's case, and my case.  Eventually a large media outlet will have to pick it up.  You may want to try forwarding these stories to British news sites like Brendan O'Neill's SpikedTelegraphDaily MailIndependent, or Spectator.  And keep pushing for right-wing sites to cover this story with the same gusto with which they cover all those freedom of religion stories.  American SpectatorThe BlazeBreitbartDaily CallerWashington TimesWashington ExaminerWall Street Journal, and a host of other right-wing sources still haven't devoted a full article to the campaign of harassment against children of same-sex couples by the gay lobby.  They may be waiting to see whether it is a real story or not.  Let them know that it is.
Tier 3: The two-party system.  This is urgent.  Election day is only a little more than a week away, but we need to hold accountable the candidates for office who have received campaign financing from the Human Rights Campaign.  The ties between the HRC and GLAAD surrounding midterm elections are easily documented; for instance, see how their coordination is trumpeted by GLAAD here.  GLAAD employs the editor of Good As You as a paid consultant, and it is in the comments section of Good as You that commenters have been caught conspiring about how to invade the privacy and destroy the careers of children of same-sex couples.  Hence, this is a network of racketeers who use various levels of corruption and intimidation to terrorize people whose free speech might jeopardize the election goals of the Human Rights Campaign.
Politicians who do not know that this is going on should know.
If they know, they need to be confronted for their complicity with serious fascism taking hold in our beloved United States.
if you follow the link to the Open Secrets page, you will see how much dirty money is flowing from the slanderous HRC to people of both parties hoping to win political office and then pay back the thugs with favorable votes.  The bribery ranges from big bucks going to Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) to smaller donations and favors, even to Republicans like Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and Mark Kirk.
If you know anybody who is in a position to question candidates for this midterm election, pose these questions:
You have accepted __________ from the Human Rights Campaign, an organization that, along with GLAAD, has been complicit in slander and intimidation against children raised by same-sex couples.  GLAAD and its contractors have sought to retaliate against Robert Oscar Lopez, Janna Darnelle, and Rivka Edelman for providing truthful accounts of how same-sex parenting harmed them.  The Human Rights Campaign has been caught disseminating gross untruths about Robert Oscar Lopez.  All three of these people are touched by same-sex parenting and have encountered serious repercussions at their jobs and in their families because of GLAAD and HRC’s tactics.
Do you support harassing and invading the privacy of people who were raised by same-sex couples?
Do you support the targeting of professors of color?
Do you support slander and blacklisting of children of same-sex couples who do not have life stories that fit in with the gay parenting agenda?
Are you willing to return your donations to the Human Rights Campaign and repudiate this organization as well as GLAAD?
Tier 4: The courts.  There is a lot to do here.  Rivka EdelmanKaty FaustDawn Stefanowicz, and I all submitted amicus curiae briefs to the  Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, specifically the gay marriage case in Texas.  With the recent decision from Puerto Rico upholding male-female marriage and striking down the gay lobby's usual legal arguments, we have an opening, albeit a brief one, to change the direction of the judicial debate.
Rivka, Katy, Dawn, and I are all the products of same-sex parenting, and we presented very non-anti-gay arguments about why kids need a mother and father.  A central point that appears throughout these four briefs is that the research into same-sex parenting is unreliable, due to the demonstrably toxic climate and certain reprisal faced by any children in these homes who come forward with negative feedback.  The pro-gay marriage side tried to have our briefs thrown out on a technicality.  Without their famous claim that "all research favors same-sex parenting," they do not have a real argument against a state's "rational basis" for designing marriage to preserve a child's right to the mother and father the child was born with.
The fact that I am Puerto Rican might actually help, since Puerto Rico’s decision has now put same-sex marriage back in play at the federal court level.  One way that readers can help right now is to share these things with any lawyers who have an interest in the gay marriage cases: the evidence of HRC and GLAAD intimidating, tampering with, and retaliating against "informants" and "witnesses" – i.e., the children of same-sex couples who come forward with contrary feedback.  We now have an enormous trove of documentation showing that HRC and GLAAD have actively sought to retaliate against dissenting children of same-sex couples, which undermines the legitimacy of the social-science consensus.
Central to this issue here is Jeremy Hooper’s blog Good as You, where Mr. Hooper has been overt about insulting authors of amicus curiae briefs whose viewpoints he opposes.  In the comments he has published on his site from third parties, there has been a repeated pattern of gay activists brainstorming ways to retaliate against those who submitted such briefs to the court.
Robert Oscar Lopez edits English Manif and founded the International Children's Rights Institute.

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/10/fighting_back_against_lgbt_fascism_what_you_can_do.html#ixzz65bNtGaLC
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守護台灣 2018年4月4日

「單親撫養與離婚通常被理解為完美父母親結合關係的破裂。但若要求社會大眾認為,同性伴侶撫養孩子也很 ‘正常’,等於要求被撫養的孩子們,從此閉口不談因失去生父或生母的傷痛。」
更糟的是,整個社會對這些孩子們成長的家庭中正在發生的殘酷事實沒有作為,更讓他們覺得自己被出賣!當被親近的人告知,所發生的事是正常而且不必覺得難受(甚且還該慶幸)時,孩子們除了受盡重創,還會本能的責備自己,因被錯待而產生難受的感覺是不對的⋯⋯ 若是介入的外人如醫生、學校師長、親戚、或執法人員也和照顧者站在同一陣線時,這樣的情況還會更糟。
(由於我母親一直讓我很清楚知道,她並不希望和父親離異。所以儘管我是由我母親與她的女同志伴侶養大,我一點也不覺得自己被虐待。)(詳見 https://goo.gl/1gpwf4 )
在幾個月以來努力掩飾同性撫養議題的真相後,華盛頓郵報終於刊出一封信,直接警告支持同性伴侶收養孩子的人們:「孩子不是像車子或房子一般,值得人們羨慕甚至嫉妒,想要購買的“商品”...」,而且,「即使收養人同意所謂 “開放式收養” ,讓生父或生母依然可以與被收養的孩子們連絡,但孩子還是會覺得自己被剝奪掉與親生父母共同生活的獨特權利,而這是世上任何人事物都無法取代的!」
三天後,紐約時報便刊出一篇自我反思的文章--「用詞不當的 “無生母撫養”」。作者Frank Litgvoet 是一位正與自己伴侶共同撫養兩個孩子的男同性戀者。 Litgvoet 的確值得極高評價,因他願意在許多人一致看好同性伴侶撫養時,直指其中最根本的問題核心:
我對 Litgvoet 的誠實十分敬佩。我不願再繼續批判他。因為我知道某些在同志酒吧的人已開始攻擊他:「把太多火藥交給批評 “同性伴侶撫養“ 的反對者!」這需要很大的勇氣,要坦承他女兒生命中有個真實的缺憾,而且這個缺憾不是能用「政治正確」或「反對恐同大遊行」去彌補的。每一個孩子都有親生父母,而當其中之一不在孩子身邊了,孩子們內心總在不知不覺述說著自己痛苦、失落、甚而有時感覺羞恥的經歷....
為了對 Litgvoet 英勇的打破沈默表達感激,我們更應先退一步來盤點這個沈默有多嚴重和傷人。
Litgvoet 這位男同父親在紐約時報上的投書至少願意將這些表面的偽妝卸下,並承認孩子們失落的感受,這倒讓人感覺還有希望。但他這篇最後仍將他的認知侷限在標準的婉轉說辭裡,讓人對「同性伴侶撫養孩子」的論述十分失望:
「同志雙親們,雖然早已學會如何面對外來的各種質疑,仍應更注意自己孩子們對這些質疑的反應。因為這些質疑確實會碰觸孩子自我認同裡最容易受傷的部位---他/她是個沒有媽媽的孩子。外面的世界不斷反覆訴說著---以一種非常實際而不負面的方式--- “你跟我們不同“ 。我們應給我們的孩子們有機會表達他們的傷痛,並接受認同這樣的悲傷、及感覺自己與人不同的複雜情緒。(並展現其中值得驕傲之處⋯⋯)」
一方面,願意讓孩子們說出自己受傷痛苦失落的感受,的確是好事;而且我很高興看到 Litgvoet 並未立刻將所有問題歸咎於「歧視」。然而,他依然無法用這些話來免除自己的的確確是「虐待孩子」的責任。就像許多看起來和顏悅色笑臉迎人的自由主義人士,讓我這個從兩歲起由女同志母親養大的人最痛恨之處就是,Litgvoet 總是認為孩子們的痛苦只是帶來短暫的失落,因此他與他的同性戀盟友們也不需要去做什麼補救。他容許孩子們有些許空間可以「表達感受」,但仍堅稱自己對孩子們的所有權---「我們的孩子們」---以一種附加說明的用辭--「感到非常的驕傲!」
最近,我與來自加拿大、由兩位男同父親撫養長大的 Dawn Stefanowicz 女士很深入的交談。她與我都為許多被同性伴侶撫養長大的孩子們深深感到難過,因為他們永遠都不能公開說出自己從小就被剝奪生父或生母有多麼不公平。
Dawn Stefanowicz 女士的經驗跟我很相似:我們很清楚,絕大多數同志雙親的孩子們,都對自我的性別認同十分掙扎、努力從情感受虐的過往走出來、掙扎著要擺脫吸毒嗑藥的問題⋯⋯或者,因著孩提時的傷痕,他們是如此脆弱,以致無法公開面對來自日益極權的同運人士種種猛烈的攻擊⋯⋯尤其是這些同運人士絕不承認自己到底錯在哪裡!
Mark Regnerus教授所做的研究 ( https://goo.gl/pxmNN8 ) ,直接點出在同志雙親撫養下的孩子,成年後仍需面對過往孩提時的種種困擾與後遺症。就在Mark Regnerus教授發表他的研究後一個月,Dawn與我都無瑕在公開場合討論我們過去的掙扎,因為同運人士即刻將焦點轉移至對他們有利的爭議上:他們有「權利」結婚、他們有能力「愛」孩子、以及他們感覺自己被 Mark Regnerus教授「霸凌」。對許多被同性雙親撫養的孩子們而言,這一切都很熟悉:「我們之所以有價值,是因為我們讓同性戀者看起來很棒⋯⋯」
正如離婚與單親撫養,同性伴侶撫養並非還有爭議或沒有實證;我們很清楚知道,當孩子們在自己親生父母家庭以外的環境中被撫養長大,他們的生命的確會遭遇更多艱難。感謝像 Mark Regnerus教授 這類的學者所提供的研究資訊,幫助我們更清楚明瞭,強迫孩子們為了滿足大人們的私慾,在沒有親生父母的環境中長大,的確是種可怕的「虐待」!
甚至可說,任何刻意忽略這些資訊並支持同性戀伴侶撫養孩子的人士,都是「虐待兒童」的共犯。例如許多小兒科醫師、社會科學家、精神科醫師們,都使用含糊其詞的評估標準(諸如什麼 “感受安康舒適”、“樂意與人溝通”之類的⋯⋯),來檢視同性戀伴侶撫養孩子的問題。這些人士都是真正虐童的共犯!而他們還拿自己的博士學位掩飾這些共犯行為,更使他們對兒童的虐待罪無可恕。
Doug Mainwaring(前男同志)與我曾一起嘗試解析所謂「同性戀父母」與「同性戀伴侶撫養」兩者間的差異。同性戀父親或母親,意指仍在一男一女婚姻關係中,或是單親撫養。據我們瞭解,縱使父親或母親有同性戀傾向,這兩種狀況仍比「同性伴侶撫養」為佳,因為不會虐待小孩。
就像這位收養了兩個孩子的男同性戀 Rob Watson 寫給某位法官的公開信說:
「如果您來,您將會見到我的兩個十歲兒子,並發現他們是如此優雅、口齒清晰、彬彬有禮和開朗。您可能會像我們所見過的許多人一樣問我們, 他們是雙胞胎嗎? 而答案將會是 “他們幾乎是’雙胞胎’ :他們的生日只差四個月“。 這樣的答案可能讓您意外,而我會開始解釋我如何在他們還是小嬰兒時,從他們兩個不同的吸毒生母領養出來呢⋯⋯」
如果 Watson 連對陌生人都是這樣解釋,強調他的兩個十歲小孩是來自「吸毒的生母」,那這兩個孩子必然從小就聽到他這樣解釋他們的出身。 Rob Watson 絕不是我所聽過的第一個同性戀者這樣告訴他所收養的小孩:「你們沒有媽媽,是因為你們的媽媽是條毒蟲!而我是這個世上唯一要你們的人!」
Watson赤裸裸的說辭只是大多數同性伴侶撫養者的縮影。同志運動人士宣稱自己胸襟開闊,而同性伴侶們卻壓制孩子、使他們對自己的傷痛不敢出聲,這一切顯得格外諷刺虛偽。當被外人問到自己出身時,孩子們被強行灌輸一個標準答案----不要說是精子銀行、不要提那個賣掉你的女人、不要談五年前的醜陋離婚官司、不要⋯⋯ 「就是不准說!就是給我閉嘴!然後笑著回答:你感覺很驕傲!」 「不然,壞事一定會發生。你就滾回去做那個沒人要愛你、沒人要忍受你的蠢貨。」
(Robert Oscar Lopez教授 20130708發表於Public Discourse: Ethics, Law and the Common Good. http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2013/07/10474/ 承蒙作者暨該網站同意節譯轉載)




被性解放思想誤導!15歲懷孕墮胎終身創傷 加國女籲:回歸傳統價值觀

風向新聞 2019-08-29

一項數據顯示,每年全球有4千400萬女性墮胎,結束掉多未出生的小生命。墮胎對女性造成的身心危害極大,在道德、倫理及合法性上,也存在著激烈爭論。加拿大「不再沉默」組織負責人Angelina Steenstra現身說法,講述她的親身經歷。
Angelina表示「失去這個孩子我們很悲傷。我看到他的樣子,記憶的閘門又打開了,如果這是一個生命,是個男孩,我們還給他起了名字,他有屬於他的生命軌跡,那我是否應該打掉我的第一個孩子?」Angelina想起來,15歲時打掉的那個胎兒13週,比Joseph還要大5週,憑直覺她知道那是個女孩,她給她取了「Sarah Elizabeth」的名字。
報導指出,減低早產風險聯合會研究主任Brent Rooney表示:「墮胎的歷史會提升女性早產機率。早產有許多不良影響,如嬰兒智力低下、自閉症、腦癱、癲癇、失明、耳聾、呼吸窘迫,腎臟問題,嚴重感染等風險。」
2004年,她成為「不再沉默」(Silent No More)組織的加國負責人,Angelina希望,人們能重新拾回傳統價值觀。(江呈亨/綜合報導)


風向新聞 2019-08-31
