
2013年1月5日 星期六

What is Marriage?


Marriage understood as the conjugal union of husband and wife really serves the good of children, the good of spouses, and the common good of society. The arguments against this view fail while the arguments for it succeed.

I. ................................................................................248 

  A. Equality, Justice, and the Heart
      of the Debate .........................................................248

  B. Real Marriage Is – And Is Only – The
      Union of Husband and Wife........................................252 

        1. Comprehensive Union ........................................253 
        2. Special Link to Children ......................................255 
        3. Marital Norms ...................................................259
  C. How Would Gay Civil Marriage 
      Affect You or Your Marriage? ......................................260 

        1. Weakening Marriage ............................................260 
        2. Obscuring the Value of Opposite‐Sex
            Parenting As an Ideal ..........................................262 
        3. Threatening Moral and Religious
            Freedom ...........................................................263

  D. If Not Same‐Sex Couples,
         Why Infertile Ones? ...............................................265

        1. Still Real Marriages..............................................266 
        2. Still in the Public Interest......................................268

  E. Challenges for Revisionists .........................................269 

        1. The State Has an Interest in
            Regulating Some Relationships? ............................269 
        2. Only if They Are Romantic?....................................271 
        3. Only if They Are Monogamous? ..............................272

  F. Isn't Marriage Just Whatever 
         We Say It Is? ........................................................274
II . ...............................................................................275

  A. Why Not Spread Traditional Norms 
         to the Gay Community? ..........................................275 

  B. What About Partners' 
         Concrete Needs?.....................................................280 

  C. Doesn't the Conjugal Conception 
         of Marriage Sacrifice Some 
         People's Fulfillment for Others'? ................................281 

  D. Isn't It Only Natural?...................................................284 

  E. Doesn't Traditional Marriage 
         Law Impose Controversial 
         Moral and Religious Views
         on Everyone?.........................................................285