Immutability: Research on Sexual Orientation and U.S. Legal Advocacy for Sexual Minorities
細讀「不變論」:性傾向研究及美國針對性少數族群的法律辯護 (摘要)
We review scientific research and legal authorities to argue that
the immutability of sexual orientation should
no longer be invoked as a foundation for the rights of individuals with same
sex attractions and relationships (i.e., sexual
minorities). On the basis of scientific research as well as U.S. legal rulings regarding lesbian, gay, and bisexual
(LGB) rights, we make three claims: First,
arguments based on the immutability of sexual orientation are unscientific,
given what we now know from longitudinal,
population-based studies of naturally occurring changes in the same-sex attractions of some individuals over time. Second,
arguments based on the immutability of
sexual orientation are unnecessary, in light of U.S. legal decisions in which courts have used grounds other than immutability to protect the
rights of sexual minorities. Third, arguments
about the immutability of sexual orientation are unjust, because they imply that same-sex attractions are inferior to other-sex attractions, and
because they privilege sexual minorities who
experience their sexuality as fixed over those who experience their sexuality
as fluid. We conclude that the legal rights of
individuals with same-sex attractions and relationships should not be framed as if they depend on a certain pattern of
scientific findings regarding sexual orientation.