
2014年5月10日 星期六


11/1/2013 charismanews




 本報-時事新聞網(Charisma News)在最初引述AFA的聲明,宣布一項令人震驚的消息:APA在最新一版的「精神疾病診斷與統計手冊(DSM,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)」,將戀童癖(pedophilia)從現行的精神疾病列表中去除,改列為一般的性傾向(sexual orientation)。

 根據我們進一步查證,無論是AFA的聲明,或是「美國家庭廣播網(American Family Radio network)」談話節目主持人桑迪.里奧斯(Sandy Rios)的談話,並沒有煽動反同恐懼的意圖。DSM當中確實使用了「性傾向」這個字眼。


 針對戀童癖疾病的情況,本會的基本診斷標準沒有變動,可參照DSM第四章第三條。僅將疾病學名由「戀童癖(pedophilia)」改為「戀童癖症(pedophilic disorder)」,以維持與該章的其他疾病清單保有一致性。
 「戀童癖改列性傾向」的指摘,我們認為是對DSM-5的文字、特別是診斷標準所使用的學術術語的一種誤解,我們所使用的術語是「性趣向(sexual interest)」。事實上,本會認為戀童癖症是一種「倒錯(paraphilia)」而非性傾向。這個錯誤會即刻在電子版本的DSM-5上更新,紙本印刷版本則會在下次增印時予以更正。



APA Associated Pedophilia With Sexual Orientation but Claims It Was an Error

The American Family Association was not fear-mongering. The American Psychiatric Association made a text error in some of its documentation. Children are safe.
Did the American Psychiatric Association (APA) change the classification of pedophiliato a “sexual orientation” or did the American Family Association (AFA) make a false accusation to stir up fear among Christians?
As it turns out, neither.
Charisma News originally reported the AFA’s shocking revelation that the APA’s latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) now classifies pedophilia as a sexual orientation or preference instead of a disorder.
Our investigation into the report and statement reveals that the AFA and its American Family Radio network talk show host Sandy Rios were not fear-mongering. Text associated with the DSM did indeed use the words sexual orientation.
In response to media calls, including queries from Charisma News, the APA admitted there was an error in the DSM and announced plans to correct its manual to make it clear that it does not classify pedophilia as a sexual orientation.
“The American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) has recently been published after a comprehensive multi-year research and review of all of its diagnostic categories,” the statement reads.
“In the case of pedophilic disorder, the diagnostic criteria essentially remained the same as in DSM-IV-TR. Only the disorder name was changed from 'pedophilia' to ‘pedophilic disorder’ to maintain consistency with the chapter’s other disorder listings.
“'Sexual orientation’ is not a term used in the diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder and its use in the DSM-5 text discussion is an error and should read ‘sexual interest.’ In fact, APA considers pedophilic disorder a ‘paraphilia,’ not a ‘sexual orientation.’ This error will be corrected in the electronic version of DSM-5 and the next printing of the manual.
“APA stands firmly behind efforts to criminally prosecute those who sexually abuse and exploit children and adolescents. We also support continued efforts to develop treatments for those with pedophilic disorder with the goal of preventing future acts of abuse.”
This is good news, but many observers have been predicting for years that pedophilia would be reclassified as a sexual orientation. And some still believe the mental health profession is on a slippery slope heading in that direction.