
2023年5月29日 星期一

Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals? A reply to Morrison and to Cameron based on an examination of multiple sources of data

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  20 July 2010


Ten narrative studies involving family histories of 262 children of gay fathers and lesbian mothers were evaluated statistically in response to Morrison's (2007) concerns about Cameron's (2006) research that had involved three narrative studies. Despite numerous attempts to bias the results in favour of the null hypothesis and allowing for up to 20 (of 63, 32%) coding errors, Cameron's (2006) hypothesis that gay and lesbian parents would be more likely to have gay, lesbian, bisexual or unsure (of sexual orientation) sons and daughters was confirmed. Percentages of children of gay and lesbian parents who adopted non-heterosexual identities ranged between 16% and 57%, with odds ratios of 1.7 to 12.1, depending on the mix of child and parent genders. Daughters of lesbian mothers were most likely (33% to 57%; odds ratios from 4.5 to 12.1) to report non-heterosexual identities. Data from ethnographic sources and from previous studies on gay and lesbian parenting were re-examined and found to support the hypothesis that social and parental influences may influence the expression of non-heterosexual identities and/or behaviour. Thus, evidence is presented from three different sources, contrary to most previous scientific opinion, even most previous scientific consensus, that suggests intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation can occur at statistically significant and substantial rates, especially for female parents or female children. In some analyses for sons, intergenerational transfer was not significant. Further research is needed with respect to pathways by which intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation may occur. The results confirm an evolving tendency among scholars to cite the possibility of some degree of intergenerational crossover of sexual orientation.


進行了對262位男同性戀父親和女同性戀母親子女的十項敘事研究進行統計評估,以回應對Morrison(2007)對Cameron(2006)研究的擔憂,該研究涉及三項敘事研究。儘管多次嘗試使結果偏向於零假設並允許多達 20 個(共 63 個,佔 32%)編碼錯誤,但證實了Cameron(2006)的假設,即同性戀父母更有可能擁有同性戀、女同性戀、雙性戀或不確定(性取向)的兒子和女兒。同性戀父母子女中採用非異性戀身份的比例介於16%至57%之間,具體數據取決於子女和父母性別的組合,相應的勝算比為1.7至12.1。女同性戀母親的女兒最有可能(33%至57%;勝算比從4.5至12.1)報告非異性戀身份。對同性戀父母養育子女的民族志資料和以前的研究進行了重新檢視,並發現支持一個假設,即社會和父母的影響可能會影響非異性戀身份和/或行為的表達。因此,從三個不同的來源提供了證據,與大多數先前的科學觀點,甚至先前的科學共識相反,這表明性取向的代際傳遞可能以統計上顯著且重要的比率發生,尤其是對於女性父母或女性子女。對於兒子的一些分析中,代際傳遞並不顯著。需要進一步研究性取向的代際傳遞途徑。
Research Article
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010


Children Raised by Homosexual Parents More Likely to Identify as Gay: Study

  【www.lifesitenews.com美國2010年10月25日】一份今年十一月份刊出的研究報告指出,由同性戀家庭扶養長大的孩子,很容易自認是同性戀者。堪薩斯州大學家庭研究 Walter Schumm教授表示,對於一般社會及學界指出,「父母對孩子生活各方面皆有影響,除了他們的性傾向之外」,他質疑這種說法。對這份研究,他認為:「我只 想了解真理。」
  在這份研究報告摘要中,Schumm的結論與2006年由維護家庭領導人Paul Cameron所做的研究指出「同性戀者更易教出同性戀孩子」相同。當時Cameron的研究結果遭受媒體和某些專業人士痛斥。
  Schumm的報告乃專門分析Paul Cameron的研究結果。他試著由大眾認為的觀點進行分析,欲推翻Cameron的研究結果,但沒想到研究結果居然相同。Schumm指出: 「Cameron對男同性戀及女同性戀家長教養的孩子會是男同性戀者、女同性戀者、雙性戀者,或不確定性傾向者的說法已被證實。」
  根據Schumm的這份摘要,與男、女同性戀家長生活的孩子中,16-57%的人認同自己的同性戀身分,尤其是女同性戀家中的女孩 特別受影響,有33-57%比例的人自認是女同性戀者。
  Schumm的這份研究報告刊於今年十一月號Journal of Biosocial Socience。