
2016年7月10日 星期日

1998 金賽騙局大作戰:專訪Judith Reisman博士

Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman

Dr. Judith Reisman is president of the Institute for Media Education and author of Kinsey, Sex and Fraud (1990); Soft Porn Plays Hardball (1991); and the explosive 1998 expose Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences. A talented musician and songwriter, she has produced educational music histories for museums in Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and Cleveland, and during the 1970s she produced music videos for Captain Kangaroo, the long-running children’s television program.
Judith Reisman博士是媒體教育學院的校長。她著有《金賽、性和騙局》(1990),《毫不手軟的情色片》(1991),以及1998年出版轟動一時的《金賽:罪行和後果》。作爲一位極富天分的音樂家和詞曲作者,她為洛杉磯、密爾沃基和克利夫蘭等地的博物館製作了具教育意義的音樂發展史。1970年代,她還為一檔長期播放的兒童電視節目「袋鼠上尉」創作了音樂錄影帶。

Dr. Reisman received her Ph.D. in communications from Case Western Reserve University and has lectured and testified the world over to professional organizations, legislatures, parliaments, and courts regarding the power and effect of images and the media to alter human behavior. She has served as a consultant to the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services. Dr. Reisman was interviewed by William F. Jasper, senior editor of THE NEW AMERICAN.
Reisman博士擁有凯斯西储大學的傳播學博士學位。她曾經面對全世界許多專業組織、立法機關、議會以及法庭演講和作證,内容都是關於影像和媒體如何改變人類行爲以及造成的影響。此外,她也曾以顧問的身份就職於美國司法部、教育部和衛生及公共服務部。以下,Reisman博士接受了《新美國人》雜誌的資深編輯William F.Jasper的訪問。

Q. To begin with, Dr. Reisman, allow me to extend, personally, a profound "Thank you" for your perseverance over the past 20 years in your investigation of the monstrous fraud perpetrated by Dr. Alfred Kinsey and his disciples and supporters. I vividly recall, 28 years ago, while studying psychology as an undergraduate student, the frustration that I and many of my fellow students felt at being confronted with the absurd "scientific" claims of the militant sexologists for the moral legitimacy and "normalcy" of homosexuality, pornography, pedophilia, incest, sadomasochism, adultery, group sex , virtually any and every sexual deviancy imaginable. Always, the "research" of Kinsey and his successors was cited to refute and silence the "moralistic" qualms of dissenters. Finally, 50 years after Kinsey burst upon the scene with such devastating impact, your book, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences, exposes not only the incredibly fraudulent "science" of Kinsey and company, but the depraved, criminal activities of Kinsey and his pedophile associates. Everyone concerned about the terrible moral and social breakdown we see all about us owes you a big debt of gratitude for your excellent work.
提問:Reisman博士,首先請允許我個人向您致以最深的謝意,感謝您過去二十年以來鍥而不捨地調查阿弗萊德·金賽博士及其追隨者和支持者們所製造的巨大騙局。我仍記得,二十八年前,我還是一名心理學本科學生。那時,激進派性學家認爲同性戀、色情、戀童癖、亂倫、性虐戀、通奸和群交等行爲完全具有道德正當性,事實上在他們眼中你所能想象到的任何性偏差行爲都是「常態」行爲。當我和我同學面對著這些荒謬至極的「科學」聲明,那份沉重的沮喪感至今仍讓我記憶猶新。另外我們可以看到,金賽的「研究」及其繼承者的言論經常被引用, 以駁斥那些「説教的」持異議者,壓制他們對其言論的質疑,使他們噤聲。距離金賽的崛起已經過去了50年,在此期間他造成了災難性的影響。而正好就在此時,您的著作《金賽:罪行和後果》出版,它揭露了令人難以置信的真相,那就是金賽及其同僚所謂的「科學」完全是個騙局。不僅如此,金賽及其戀童癖同伴也犯下了邪惡的罪行。我想在我們當中,任何為著道德和社會崩壞的可怕現狀而憂心忡忡的人,都應該向您致以最誠摯的谢意,感謝您出版的這部佳作。

A. Thank you, and let me also note my appreciation for the wonderfully positive review your magazine gave my book [see January 4th issue], which hasn’t enjoyed a universally favorable reception. As you said, it’s been 50 years since Alfred Kinsey published his infamous 1948 report, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, which has so profoundly and grievously affected not only American society, but the moral, social, and political order worldwide. It is difficult to exaggerate the horrendous effects of the widespread promotion and acceptance of his work. Kinsey’s "research" shook America’s moral foundations and launched the Sexual Revolution in the 1960s. Its terrible results are obvious in the skyrocketing incidence of all the social pathologies afflicting us today: divorce, abortion, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, illegitimate births, cohabitation, pornography, homosexuality, sadomasochism, rape, child molestation, sexual crimes of all types, family breakup, endemic violence, etc. We cannot hope to reverse this destructive, downward spiral if we do not recognize and openly confront the Kinseyite falsehoods and subversive premises and ideas that undergird popular attitudes and official policies today.

Q. What specific changes would you cite that most dramatically demonstrate Kinsey’s negative impact on society today?

A. Well, I think the influences most people recognize, although they may not understand Kinsey’s role, have to do with the erosion of sexual mores and inhibitions. I’m referring particularly to the erosion of morals as reflected in what is now considered acceptable in popular culture, in the movies, television, books, magazines, advertisements, etc. , and the steady invasion of more and more sexually explicit and pornographic material into these areas. This is troubling to a great many people because it has become so all-pervasive and is so clearly destructive.


Certainly the cultural validating and "mainstreaming" of homosexuality is one of the major shifts that can be marked down as a Kinsey triumph. And the people who are trying to preserve traditional values and Judeo-Christian morality and I believe we are still the majority.  But I feel desperately besieged on all sides by this "new morality" being promoted by the small but powerful minority of artistic, intellectual, academic, and scientific elite.

One of the important areas where I think my research has made a very significant contribution is in uncovering the legal subversion that Kinsey is greatly responsible for. Very few Americans have any knowledge or appreciation for the enormity of his influence in this important realm. One indicator of this is the fact that Kinsey is the most cited sex scientist by far in Westlaw and the other legal indices. In my latest book I give several pages listing hundreds of law journal citations. His bogus science has been cited in case after case to overturn laws, for instance, that protect society against sex offenders.


Kinsey claimed to have proven, based upon the deviant samples used in his research, that 95 percent of American men engaged in deviant sex and thus were sex offenders. This obviously proved that our sex laws were based on repressive, antiquated notions and had to be radically changed. Morris Ernst, Kinsey’s ACLU lawyer, wrote that "virtually every page of the Kinsey Report touches on some section of the legal code." That was no exaggeration. Kinsey believed that all sex was legitimate pedophilia, bestiality, incest, adultery, prostitution, group sex, transvestitism, sadomasochism and he worked to overthrow all laws prohibiting any of these perversions.
作爲金賽代表的美国公民自由聯盟的律師Morris Ernst曾寫道,「實際上,金賽報告的每一頁都觸及到法律的某些部分。」這絕非誇大其詞。金賽相信,所有的性行爲都是合法且正當的,例如戀童癖、人獸交、亂倫、通姦、賣淫、群交、易裝癖、性虐戀。正因如此,金賽致力於推翻所有禁止上述變態行爲的法律。

He and his associates also testified and wrote in favor of parole for sex offenders and violent felons, and are greatly responsible for the reduction of penalties for rapists and child molesters and the release of these repeat offenders back into society. In the Kinseyan view, brutal sex predators were deserving of "therapeutic," not "retributive," action. Millions of American children and women have been brutally victimized as a result of these Kinsey-inspired "reforms."

Q. One of your important discoveries is the connection between the Kinsey cabal and the American Law Institute (ALI), the "educational arm" of the American Bar Association, and ALI’s adoption of the Model Penal Code in 1955 to alter the sex crime laws and family laws of America, both nationally and state by state. Explain this nexus and its significance.

A. My chapter on Kinsey’s impact on American law provides evidence of the deceitful coordination and collaboration between Kinsey and key members of the ALI to overthrow the Common Law, biblical, and constitutional underpinnings of the legal protections provided against sexual predators. The ALI’s chief author of the Model Penal Code was Professor Herbert Wechsler, acclaimed legal scholar at Columbia University and formerly a confidential assistant to President Franklin Roosevelt. Wechsler launched the Kinsey/ALI crusade with an article in the May 1952 Harvard Law Review entitled "The Challenge of a Model Penal Code." Three years later, the ALI’s Model Penal Code was sent to state legislatures and our society’s legal protections began to crumble under a coordinated assault.
回答:我的書中有一章是專門講述金賽及其理論對美國法律造成的影響。這一章提供的證據,揭露了金賽和美國法律學會核心成員之間的那些見不得光的協同合作,還有他們如何共同推翻以習慣法、聖經和憲法為基礎的針對性侵犯者的法律。美國法律學會《模範刑法典》的首席作者是Herbert Wechsler博士,他是哥倫比亞大學備受讚譽的法律學者,以前也曾擔任過羅斯福總統的機要助理。19525月,Wechsler在《哈佛法律評論》發表了一篇題爲「《模範刑法典》之挑戰」的文章,借此掀起了金賽和美國法律學會的改革運動。三年後,美國法律學會的《模範刑法典》被送入了各州議會,在一系列協同攻擊之下,我們社會的法律保護體系就這樣開始分崩離析。

Kinsey’s network included New York Judge Morris Ploscowe, who published Sexual Patterns and the Law in 1951; journalist Albert Deutsch, who published Sex Habits of American Men in 1948; the notorious French pedophile and jurist Rene Guyon, who wrote The Ethics of Sexual Acts in 1948; and Morris Ernst and David Loth, who co-authored American Sexual Behavior and the Kinsey Report in 1948. Dr. Manfred Guttmacher and Dr. Harry Benjamin were also part of the Kinsey cabal.
金賽人脈極廣,其中有紐約法官Morris Ploscowe,他於1951年出版了《性模式與法律》;也有記者Albert Deutsch,他於1948年出版了《美國男人的性習慣》;還有法國法理學家Rene Guyon,他是一個聲名狼藉的戀童癖,於1948年撰寫了《性行爲倫理》;最後還有Morris ErnstDavid Loth,他們合著了《美國式的性行爲》以及1948年的金賽報告。此外,Manfred Guttmacher博士和Harry Benjamin博士也是金賽小集團的成員。

This cadre of "experts" had a very well-oiled propaganda apparatus in the sympathetic national media, which accepted and promoted the Kinseyan legal and scientific claims without question. Kinsey was on the cover of most of our magazines and was celebrated in newspaper headlines and television news stories as a great scientist who was freeing the world from our unhealthy, puritanical sex repressions.
Q. The Kinsey/ALI cadre had a "hit list" of 52 crimes and legal subjects that they targeted for radical revision.

A. Yes, they intended to topple, or greatly weaken, laws concerning rape, statutory rape, seduction, prostitution, sodomy, bestiality, indecent exposure, incest, bigamy, nudity, obscenity, adultery, fornication, adult-child sex, illicit cohabitation, pornography, smoking opium and other narcotics, etc. Fully 100 percent of the Code’s citations addressing empirically any American data for sex behavior refer to Kinsey’s false research. The effects have been calamitous.

Prior to Kinsey, rape was treated as a heinous crime in keeping with the Common Law standard. If convicted, rapists faced mandatory execution in three states, the possibility of a death penalty in 20 states, and a minimum of a 20-year sentence in all but one of the states. Kinsey changed all that.

Now the most vulnerable of society, women and children, are victimized twice: once by sexual crimes and vice, and again by the changed laws that refuse to penalize the perpetrator. This is Kinsey’s legacy, which is anti-marriage, anti-father, anti-mother, and, most definitely, anti-child.

Q. Kinsey made a world tour and testified in England before Britain’s Wolfenden Commission and in California before the state legislature.

A. Kinsey’s triumphal tour included Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and England. In England he helped craft the Wolfenden Report to Parliament recommending sexual license and the end of restrictive laws. In Sicily he made a pilgrimage to Thelema Abbey, the Satanic temple where the fiendish Aleister Crowley conducted his brutal orgies and human sacrifices. Kinsey was fascinated by Crowley and wanted to acquire his diaries for the Kinsey Institute.


Q. Kinsey portrayed himself as a normal "family man" and "devoted father" from Indiana University in conservative Bloomington, Indiana, but that was an enormous lie, wasn’t it?
提問:金賽將他自己描繪成來自印第安納州、印第安納大學保守的布魯明頓校區 的一個正常「居家男人」和「盡責的父親」。但這根本是個謊言,不是嗎?

A. Even by today’s more liberalized standards, Kinsey would be considered a terrible pervert by most people. He was a homosexual sadomasochist who not only pushed his wife and his Kinsey Institute colleagues into engaging in immoral, humiliating, and illegal sex, but he actually filmed many of these sessions in his attic. He so immersed himself in every kind of sexual deviancy that he found, as usually happens with such persons, it was taking more and more bizarre and painful stimuli to arouse himself. This led, ultimately, to his sexual self-mutilation.

Q. You have mentioned Kinsey’s use of fraudulent data and methods, which has been admitted by many of his colleagues. What are some of the means by which he perpetrated scientific fraud?

A. Well, they are many. One of the most egregious examples was his deliberate, repeated use of aberrant samples of males and females for his study, and then claiming that the sexual practices of these groups were representative of the activity of normal men and women. His male sampling was heavy with homosexuals, pedophiles, pederasts, convicts, pimps, and other sexually aggressive males whom he recruited at homosexual bars and bath houses, so these were completely unrepresentative of the average American male. The same was true of his female cohorts, which included the most sexually radical women: prostitutes, burlesque performers, models, artists, and strippers.

In addition, Kinsey’s "interview" technique involved leading and badgering the subject to obtain the answers Kinsey wanted. And when the subjects still didn’t give the desired answers, meaning, they didn’t admit to engaging in the sexual activity Kinsey wanted them to admit to, Kinsey regularly played "God," dismissing their responses and putting down what he thought their answers should be. All of this was necessary, of course, in order to obtain the much higher reports of deviant behavior, which could then be redefined as "normal" because it is supposedly so commonplace.

Q. One of your most shocking revelations concerns Kinsey’s use of criminal pedophiles to sexually abuse children, including infants, in the name of "research." Not only have the Kinsey associates escaped prosecution and punishment for these unspeakably evil acts, but they have not even been condemned and repudiated by professional colleagues, public officials, or the media.

A. This is one of the greatest scandals of our day. Kinsey stands condemned by his own "research," but no one seems to have the courage to declare the obvious. Kinsey claimed that his data proved that children are "sexual" from birth. What was this based upon? According to the admission of his associates, such as Wardell Pomeroy and Paul Gebhard, much of this data came from an habitual pedophile Kinsey code-named "Mr. Green" (also referred to sometimes as "Mr. X"), who had molested as many as 800 boys and girls over many years, and who kept meticulous records of his exploits.
回答:這正是我們現今最大的醜聞之一。金賽的「研究」已是他自身罪狀最大的證明,可是似乎無人有勇氣扯下這件「國王的新衣」。金賽聲稱他的研究數據已經證明兒童一出生就有「性慾」。那他是如何得出這樣的結論?他的同事Wardell Pomeroy Paul Gebhard已招認,大多數的數據都是出自一個戀童癖慣犯,金賽給他取了個代稱叫「格林先生」(有時也指「X先生」)。歷年來,此人猥褻過多達800個男女孩童,並且還仔細記錄自己的「丰功偉業」。

We now know that this predatory pervert was Rex King, a U.S. government land examiner, who traveled about Arizona, New Mexico, and the Southwest. Much of Kinsey’s data comes from the diaries of this monster who sexually tortured children, some infants as young as three months, and recorded their screams of pain as "orgasms."
現在我們已經知道這個變態色鬼的真實身份,他就是Rex King,受僱於美國政府的土地檢查員,曾在亞利桑那州、新墨西哥州和西南地區一帶活動。金賽絕大多數的數據都是出自這個禽獸的日記,裏面記錄了他如何性虐待兒童,有的甚至是僅僅出生三個月的嬰兒,並且他還把這些孩童痛苦的叫聲記錄為「性高潮」。

Instead of being repulsed and horrified by this, as any normal person would be, Kinsey was tantalized. He told King, "I congratulate you on the research spirit which has led you to collect data over these many years." He assured King that his insidious criminal activity had great scientific importance. Research spirit! We do not know how many other violent pedophiles, even child murderers, Kinsey may have used as "researchers," nor do we know for certain how many children Kinsey and/or members of his staff directly abused themselves, but there is evidence in their own notes that they were present and at least witnessed some of this activity.

Q. What Kinsey and his teammates were involved in was not only evil and morally repellent, but blatantly illegal back then, and much of it would still be illegal now. The perpetrators could have been not only imprisoned, but possibly even executed.

A. Kinsey knew much of what he did was illegal, but the moral questions didn’t concern him. He scorned "morality" and intensely hated Christianity and Judaism for shackling society with "repressive" moralistic retraints. One of Kinsey’s main associates, Paul Gebhard, admitted in his seminar with fellow sexologists Masters and Johnson that what he, Kinsey, and their associates were involved in was "definitely coercion." But Gebhard felt that "coercion is acceptable in the interest of encouraging research participation." He also said of the Kinsey Institute’s work, in a recent interview in the excellent British television documentary, Kinsey’s Paedophiles: "It was illegal and we knew it was illegal, but it’s very important to study childhood sexuality...." The Kinsey people still justify and defend their indefensible, horrid practices.
回答:金賽當然知道他的所作所爲都是違法的,可是那些道德質疑並不會對他造成困擾。他對「道德準則」不屑一顧,而且極度痛恨基督教和猶太教教義,因爲在他眼中這些宗教常以「壓迫的」道德槼條束縛著整個社會。作爲金賽最主要的一個同伴,Paul Gebhard曾在他與性學家同事MastersJohnson的研討會上承認,金賽、他自己以及其他同事曾經從事的行爲是「絕對的脅迫」。可是Gebhard卻認爲這並沒有什麽大不了,「只要是爲了促進研究的參與程度,即使用脅迫的手段也是可以接受的。」此外,近期在一檔製作精良的英國電視紀錄片「金賽的戀童癖們」當中,Gebhard也現身接受訪問。當提到金賽學院的工作,他是這樣說的:「這些行爲的確犯法,我們也當然知道是違法的,但是你要知道,研究孩童的性慾可是非常重要的……」所以你看,金賽的信徒們仍然在合理化他們的行爲,仍然在為他們那些無可辯駁而又恐怖的行徑進行辯護。

Q. One of the tremendous advantages that the Kinseyites and their ilk enjoy is that they are able to operate largely without critical examination because the things they are dealing with are so disgusting. Most of the people who form the natural pool of opposition to these schemes do not want to sully themselves with even thinking about this stuff, let alone researching and refuting it.

A. That is a major problem, because these things are, naturally, repellent to any moral person. But ignoring it is a sure guarantee that the evil will spread and encourage even worse depravity. And don’t think it won’t get worse. Even ten years ago, few would have imagined that the homosexual movement would be triumphantly dominating our culture as it is today, and that Satanic, androgynous creatures like Marilyn Manson would be leading legions of young people into the most hideous lifestyles and violent crime.
回答:是的,這是個主要的問題,因爲這些行爲根本就是在違反人們天然的道德良知。可是無視它只會助長邪惡勢力的氣焰,並且導致更糟糕的堕落腐化行爲。大家千萬不要抱有幻想地認爲事情不會變的更糟。僅僅在十年以前,幾乎不會有人想到同性戀運動將會取得這樣大的勝利,變得完全主導當今社會的文化,也不會有人想到像Marilyn Manson那樣崇拜撒旦教的陰陽人怪物會成爲衆多年輕人的偶像,並將他們引向最醜陋的生活方式和暴力犯罪的道路。

Legitimizing pedophilia is now the current Kinseyan campaign. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its list of "disorders." Most observers of the homosexual movement recognize that that move by the APA was a major milestone in the legitimizing process. Just 22 years later, in 1995, the APA removed pedophilia and sadism from the "disordered" classifications in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV.

Just as the homosexual propaganda and psychological softening campaign took years to get us where we are today, the pedophile lobby is following the same road to "normalizing" adult-child sex. They already have the APA "professionals" on their side. Homosexuals are winning the "right" to adopt children. Textbooks and "diversity" classes are recruiting children into the homosexual ranks. The organized child molesters have gotten "consultative status" at the UN and you have all of these UN conferences and conventions proclaiming the "rights of children," including "sexual rights."

Parents, grandparents, and everyone who believes in morality had better realize soon that we are in the middle of a terrible war, and "our side" hasn’t bothered to mount a defense, much less an offense.

Q. A key factor in Kinsey’s impact was his early funding and promotion from the Rockefeller Foundation, correct?

A. Yes. The Rockefeller Foundation was the major funding source for Kinsey, even though it had ample, repeated warning from noted statisticians and social scientists that Kinsey’s pseudo-science was a hoax. The Rockefeller Foundation began funding Kinsey in 1941, mostly by grants funneled through the National Research Council, but it also funded Kinsey directly.

In the early 1950s, when the Reece Committee of Congress exposed Rockefeller grants in support of Communism and socialism, and started going after the Foundation’s funding of Kinsey’s sex research, the Rockefeller people backed off from funding Kinsey. Besides, he had already done his work for them. The next step was to apply Kinsey to the law, education, etc. , so Rockefeller funding shifted over to the Kinsey-allied American Law Institute and SIECUS [Sex Information and Education Council of the United States]. The Ford Foundation and others have also funded Kinsey. Let me read to you here from the Kinsey Institute Spring 1998 Kinsey Today newsletter, which reports that the Institute has received a Ford Foundation grant to "fund a media relations firm in planning a pro-active strategy to counter the on-going campaign to shut down the Kinsey Institute and discredit its character."

Q. It sounds like the Kinsey folks are concerned about your work. I’ve seen Kinsey’s Paedophiles, the powerful British television documentary based on your work. Has that been shown yet in this country? And has CBS’ 60 Minutes or any of the other network programs followed through and produced anything on this huge story?
提問:這麽說,聼起來金賽的同仁們似乎也很關注您的著作。我曾經看過「金賽的戀童癖們」,這部英國的電視紀錄片是根據您的著作而製作的,非常具有影響力。想請問它是否已在我們國家播出呢?CBS 電視台的《60 Minutes》或任何其他電視網的節目是否曾追蹤和製作過任何關於這個驚人故事的内容?

A. No, Kinsey’s Paedophiles has not been shown here. That really shocked the British producers, because they are a prestigious company and their programs are regularly aired here. And they knew they had a very explosive story that deserved a big showing. They just didn’t realize how powerful are the interests they were exposing. 60 Minutes has backed off, apparently, as have the other television programs that initially expressed interest.
回答:很遺憾,到目前爲止「金賽的戀童癖們」從未在美國播出過。這讓英國的製作人們非常震驚,畢竟他們是一個頗具聲望的公司,而且通常他們的節目在美國都是定期播出的。他們原本以爲這樣一個爆炸性的故事理應被大量地播映。我想,他們完全沒有意識到自己所揭密的利益集團擁有多麽大的權力。顯而易見,如同其他電視節目一樣,《60 Minutes》打消了起初的念頭,不再對這部紀錄片感興趣。

Q. Your latest book, Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences has been out now for several months. Has it been reviewed yet by the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, Newsweek, or any of the major press?

A. No. In fact, even some of the more conservative publications, like the Washington Times, have not reviewed it. There has been a concerted effort by the Kinsey people to discredit and silence me. When I sued the Kinsey Institute for libel and defamation, we obtained in the discovery process the notes of June Reinisch, the director of the Institute, in which she outlined their plan of attack. They went after American University where I was doing my research, to stop me. They told people that my degrees and the professional experience listed in my vita were bogus. They collaborated with Penthouse, Playboy, and Hustler to attack me.
回答:完全沒有。事實上,即使是一些比較保守的出版物,例如華盛頓時報,都不曾評論過我的書。金賽的信徒們齊心協力地想要敗壞我的名聲,好讓我噤聲。我曾以譭謗和中傷罪控告金賽學院,在舉證的過程中我們拿到了學院院長June Reinisch 的筆記,她在裡面概述了他們的進攻計劃。我曾經在美國大學做研究,他們追著學校要求我停手。他們也告訴所有人我履歷上記載的學位和專業經驗全都是僞造的。他們還聯合閣樓、花花公子以及好色客雜誌一起來攻擊我。

Naturally, they have many sympathetic ears in the media and academe, even though the vile crimes of Kinsey and the Institute have been exposed by others beside myself  and even admitted to by many of the Kinsey associates.

Kinsey is second only to Darwin in the secular pantheon, and a lot of people recognize that exposing Kinsey’s lies is a major assault on the Sexual Revolution and a threat to the sexual license that they enjoy. I learned this long ago, back in 1981, when I created an uproar at the Fifth World Congress of Sexology in Jerusalem with my early research on Kinsey’s child abuse. I was sure my fellow research professionals would be as outraged as I was at Kinsey’s phony data and his reliance on pedophiles in his child sex research But, instead, the global human sexuality brain trust turned its wrath on me!